
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A Mouse And A Mousetrap

A cute little mouse was living happily near the farmers house. One night as the farmer came to check the cheese saw this cute little mouse. The Farmer then started to spy on this mouse and finally a new packet was placed just next to the cheese. 

The mouse as usual visited the farmers house at night and was surprised to see the new packet which was kept right next to the cheese, as it came near and smelled it found that this packet contains non edible stuff and also it found that there was a mousetrap placed on all the four corners of the kitchen. 

The mouse was shocked and was shaken by the trap framed by the farmer and his wife. The mouse was so scared and it wanted to warn all its companions about the mousetrap. So when ever it saw anyone on its way it just shouted, "there is a mouse trap in the farmers house, there is a mouse trap beware............danger........." 

The first to meet was the lovely chicken it raised its head slowly and gracefully and replied, "Oh my dear mouse, the mousetrap is not my concern as it is was for you. Well ! It's good you are safe for now, hope to see you around,Best of luck! Take Care". 

Next came the lamb, The lamb said, "I am so very sorry cute little mouse, the trap is not for me. Its for you." 

Finally there was a huge bull, The bull said softly, "Ahhh! its awful little mouse, but its nothing to do with me. 
So please don't bother me ". 

In few minutes the chicken, lamb and bull went off to sleep. 

It's 3 am and the mouse became so tiered, it was very disappointed and totally scared. No one was willing to support and console the little mouse. With a heavy heart it reached the hiding place.

The mouse started thinking, "Its better to stay away from the kitchen and the mousetrap". As the mouse was about to close its eyes there was a huge cry of farmer's wife from the kitchen. The mouse woke up with a shock, as it managed to hear the farmer's wife was shouting snake... snake... 

The mousetrap caught a vicious snake. In the rush the snake bit the farmer's wife. Immediately the farmer brought doctor who stays near to his house. 

It's morning now, As she was been treated by the Doctor, her fever increased, then the Doctor said to the farmer, "Give her chicken soup, it will help her get better". The farmer went out and chopped the chicken and made fresh chicken soup for his wife. 

Although she had the chicken soup her health was deteriorating. Relatives, Friends and kept visiting the house, to inquire about her health. The farmer was asked to feed their guests so he slaughter the lamb. 

After few days farmer's wife's health became worse and she finally ceased to live. Many came for her funeral,so he had to cut up the bull so as to feed all the guests. 

The mouse was watching everything, it saw chicken, then lamb and finally the bull perish one after the one.

Moral #1: Next time when you hear someone is in great trouble and don't ever think that it doesn't concern you. 

Moral #2: All that danger we imagine may not actually happen.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Smile and Spread Smile

" Smile and Spread Smile "

I understand that this quote is known to most of the people, if not then here is a short story. One beautiful snowy morning, I woke-up little early than usual ( lol, 9 am well is quiet early for a lazy girl like me), got ready and as usually my beautiful day begins with a hot cup of 'TEA'. Usually I do my project work or research from home. Then later I felt that a nice morning walk, down the beautiful streets, covered with snow is worth watching. So, I set up for my snow walk. The moment I opened the door my neighbour a very old lady around her 70+ years gave a very pleasant smile. She was so sweet as we wished each other 'Good Morning', her smile filled my eyes with sparks. Unknowingly as I walked down the street, I was carrying a warm smile, by then a young couple were just crossing the signal. I was still smiling and so did they. That moment, I realised the spark of smile which just lights up others life. A simple smile could pass from one person to another just at a glance. Isn't it amazing? This thought filled my mind with amazement!

This thought came again and again, 'If we smile and the world smiles'. Later yesterday I was reading a blog where a person inspired me. That person had the same views as mine, the only difference was implementing your thoughts and I didn't all these years. Since 3 years I have been trying to spread smile through Orkut and Facebook. May be I didn't know how to start ? All I want is that people around me should always be happy, though I may not be practically visiting everyone to help them or spark their life may be its practically  impossible (Thanks to Internet). I felt that as a human being it is my responsibility to contribute something to world. So, here I am to blog on many topics and inspirations just with a hope to bring smile. If you would like to help me and feel equally responsible then please 'Smile and Spread Smile', and make this world a better place to live. Lift your spirit and Light up the sparks with your dazzling smile, enchant others, Let the world see your joy and you will see a new world around you. I hope, my dream to spread smile might come true !

Always Keep Smiling :) SJ  
(This is original it was written in year 2010 by me )

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Let Each Day Bring New Smile

Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening and Good Night ! It would be so nice to hear those wonderful wishes. Isn't it ? Remember those days when we wish almost every day either to our family, friends, relatives, teachers, bosses or....etc. I still remember the innocent smile we give hoping and wishing that the day goes by happily.

It does not matter if we are at home, school, office or public place. All it matters is the smile we bring around. Wishing good to others add blessings to us. The more we wish others good.... the more better we feel. 

What do we gain by wishing good ? Good Questions.
There are so many things we can gain wishing some one good, the most important point is it brings positive mood for us and then for people around us. It could bring smile. It could give you a clear thought and perfect mind set. It may even bring promotions. You may attract your soul mate. Who knows, It may bring good luck ?

“Each new day is a blank page in the diary of your life. The secret of success is in turning that diary into the best story you possibly can.” ― Douglas Pagels (Ref: )

Douglas was right. Everything is in our hands, our choices makes the difference. So, lets all choose to bring smile and happiness to thy self and to people around us.

So let each day begin with new smile and good wishes !

Just in case if you find few people around you are still unnecessarily upsetting your mood. Although you have been nice to them. Then you just remember this Quote:

"My attitude will always be based on how you treat me ! So Don't get my personality and my attitude twisted, because my personality is ME and my attitude depends on YOU ! "  
For good hearts and good thoughts everything will be good ! Always ! No matter what others think or say. So lets keep smiling.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Deaf Frog - An Inspirational Story

Good feeds bring you very popular yet inspirational story............

One windy morning, the tiny frogs were jumping across the pit to reach the lake. As the wind blew harder a bunch of little frogs fell deep into a pit. All the other frogs gathered around the deep pit to see if the frogs survived or not.

Lucky me!!... each little frog which fell into the pit thought, then they all shouted back and said:

We are fine..... We are alive............We are fine..... We are alive............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From the top of the pit there was a old frog. After seeing the pit it asked the little frogs to try and jump. Although there was no hope of their survival. The old frog shouted back:

Good that you are all alive now try to jump high to reach the top !!!!!!!!!!

The big crowd had gathered around the pit now and they started cheering and encouraging every one at the start. 

All the little frogs tried to jump higher and higher.
Few got exhausted and Few even died.

Hours went by ............. It became afternoon when the sunshine was so bright and hot.

Now the crowd lost hope, The cheers have turned into gloom. Now the little frogs also lost hope when they started hearing these statements:

“Oh, its way too difficult”
“They will never make it to the top”
“No way they can never succeed” 
“The pit is too deep” ... etc.

The little frogs began to collapse  one by one. The crowd continued to yell, “It is too difficult! you cant reach to the top”!

Few frogs even stopped trying and few got tired. But one enthusiastic little frog continued to jump higher and higher. 

This little frog refused to give up!

It tried harder and harder each time. So when ever it jumped it pulled some mud from the sides of the walls. The mud pile kept increasing higher and higher. Then finally the little frog jumped so high that it reached the top and escaped from the pit.

Everyone who gathered around the pit were astonished seeing this little frog. All of the other little frogs started asking questions. As how this one frog managed to come out of that deep pit. 

They asked this little frog how it had found the strength to succeed and come out of the pit.

Everyone was waiting for the little frog to speak. The little frog indicated that it was Deaf. It smiled and dived into the lake happily. 

Moral of the Story:
1. If we want to accomplish success, especially when the people around us discourage or talk negative. The best option is to act deaf.

2. Words are powerful use it in positive way. As words slipped from tongue can wound the hearts of many. Instead of discouraging others, choose right words and encourage others to reach success with positive words. 

Friday, May 10, 2013

Different Types of Smiles

Good feeds brings positive smile........ happy reading.

A Smile is a facial expression, it usually symbolizes a happy, joyful and positive expression. Smiles vary and there are different types of smiles. A Smile can indicate different meaning and due to this reason, it can be simply classified based on two approaches.

  1. Positive approach.
  2. Negative approach.

A Positive approach includes different types of smiles such as a genuine, heartfelt, pleasant, lovable, pleasing, amazement, thrill of joy, pampering, winning, courtesy, shy, lucky, simple, happy, proud to be or of someone or something and many more all these are the most beautiful smiles which usually take our breath away or sometimes it might just spark our eyes with excitement. The joy, happiness and warmth could also be expressed through the hidden language of eyes. The 'eyes talk' more than words can express, which is quiet true, as it gives a kind of assurance that someone is there for you.

A Negative approach also includes different varieties of smiles such as masked smile to hide their negative  emotions, sarcastic, dominance, provoking, loosing, cunning, artificial or plastic, tight lips, pretending, jealousy   and many more. These show the negative vibrations from a person, no matter how hard they try to show their intentions could be read easily by watching their body language and facial expression. These kind of smiles which create a negative image must be usually avoided or reduced so as to build a better society.

Above all smile which is heartfelt with eyes filled with sparks is really a heaven on earth. So, please carry a positive approach towards life and thus you will carry a positive smile. Note - Negative thoughts and feelings are common to all humans. However, concentrating or choosing to be happy and content will change our perceptions slowly and but definitely it will improve our lifestyle. 

Now Choice is yours and I wish that you choose the right one. 

Smile and Spread Smile :)